what your hands and nails told about your health and how you get sick

what your hands and nails told about your health and how you get sick For hundreds of years doctors are useing to look upon our hands to help to determined the general state of our health and normal physiological condition of our body.now in this days also,the older generations of our doctors society preferred general examination over mordern test and techniques and it's far more user friendly for the paitent not only just in the third world country but also in the developed nation's. In this mordern era with mordern tests and sophisticated techniques for finding health problems,have largely ignored hands and the singnals they give out about our general health and problems,if any of us can take this singnals they gave us about our healths and problems we can make miraculously results on the basis upon it.Because it not only helps you to cut down your diagonostic cost but also keep your paitents way from many painful procedure and most of all it can build a healthy professional and far more frindly and faithfull relationship between the doctor and paitents. General examination of finger and nails: In general examination of fingers and nails you can assis various kind of diseases like anemia,cyanosis,Wilson's disease etc. It is more interesting to know that you not only can broadly diagnosis a disease by examine it but you can more specifically diagnosed about it sub catagory or which kind of it, like example pale nails gives you information about anemia,if you further look upon the fingers and nail bed if you find the nail bed is Brittle and the shape of the nail become like spoon(kolionychia) it indicates about iron deficiency anemia. some information can be gathered by examining nails I put here shortly or samarized it very shortly below down here: PALE NAILS:ANEMIA, BLUE NAIL BEDS:CYANOSIS,WILSON'S DISEASE, CLUBBING:DISCUSSED IT MORE IN LATER PASSAGE, BRITTLE AND SPOON SHAPE NAIL(KOILONYCHIA):IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA, LEUCONYCHIA:CLD,NEPHROTIC SYNDROME,PEM, BROWN LINE PIGMENT:CHORONIC KIDNY DISEASE MEES LINES :ARSENIC POISONING HERE JUST SOME BASIC FINDINGS THAT MAY FIND ANYONE BY EXAMINING ONLY NAILS AND NAIL BEDS. More interestingly do a general examination by just handshake with your paitents: it is far more interesting that you can gather not just valuable gold standard data by just simply when you handshake with your paitent.it can gives you data abuot your paitents not only general condition but also his/her pathological or duseases condition which may he/she developed or developing under his/her occupational hazard or any other circumstances which may have provoke the disease.here some features of hands which you can diagnosis by only a handshake and it's differntial diagnosis I provide in more samarized away for use of in general perpose. FEATURES------------------DIAGNOSIS cold,sweaty hands--------anixty cold,dry habds------Raynaud’s phenomenon (blood supply to skin narrowing due to any cause like cold>limited blood circulation to that affected area>causes vasospasm>called raynaud’s phenomenon) hot,sweaty hand--------hyperthyroidsm dry,coarse skin----regular water exposure,manual occupation, hypothyroidsm delayed relaxation of grip-----myotonic dystroph arnon-20 CLUBBING In defination or shortly we can be defined it by:abonormality of distal end of disit in which it becomes expanded with the nail curved excessively in both longitudinal and transverse planes due to increase in the soft tissue of the distal part of the fingers and toes. criteria/stages: #loss of normal angle between the nails and nail beds. #increased nail bed fluctuations. #increase nail curvature in later stage. #increase bulk of the soft tissue over the terminal phalanges. IT CAN BE UNILATERAL OR BILATERAL IN TYPE MEANS IT CAN BE MENIFEST IN EITHER ONE OR BOTH HANDS. IN early sing-increased sponginess of proximal nail bed(flactuation test “+”ve) LATER-DRUM STICK APPEARENCE LAST- PARROT BEAK APPEARENCE it can causes by lung disease, heart disease, GIT diseases or other familial, racial or any idiopathic cause. I just put below some main underlying cases with medical mnemonics to remeber the most causative disease efficiently.

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