How to asses or Criteria for Septic, Hemorrhagic and Cardiogenic Shock

Definitions and Criteria for Septic,
Hemorrhagic, and Cardiogenic Shock.


Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)

Two or more of the following:Shock

1. Temperature > 38°C or < 36°C
2. Heart rate > 90 beats/min
3. Respiratory rate > 20 breaths/min or Paco2 < 32 mm Hg
4. White blood cell count > 12,000/mm?, < 4,000/mm², or > 10%
band neutrophilia.

Severe Sepsis

SIRS with suspected or confirmed infection and associated with organ
dysfunction or hypotension; organ dysfunction may include presence of lactic acidosis, oliguria, and/or altered mental status.

Septic Shock

SIRS with suspected or confirmed infection with hypotension despite
adequate fluid resuscitation requiring vasopressor support; septic shock
should still be diagnosed if vasopressor therapy has normalized blood


Simple Hemorrhage-
Suspected bleeding with pulse rate < 100 beats/min,
normal respiratory rate, normal blood pressure, and normal base deficit,

Hemorrhage with Hypoperfusion
Suspected bleeding with base deficit <-4 mEq/L or persistent pulse
rate > 100 beats/min.

Hemorrhagic Shock-

Suspected bleeding, with at least four criteria listed in below-


Cardiac Failure-

Clinical evidence of impaired forward flow of the heart, including
presence of dyspnea, tachycardia, pulmonary edema, peripheral edema,
and/or cyanosis.

Cardiogenic Shock

Cardiac failure plus four criteria listed in below here-

Empirical Criteria for Diagnosis of
Circulatory Shocka
• ill appearance or altered mental status
• Heart rate > 100 beats/min
• Respiratory rate > 20 breaths/min or Paco2 < 32 mm Hg7
• Arterial base deficit <-4 mEq/L or lactate level > 4 mM/L
• Urine output < 0.5 ml/kg/h
• Arterial hypotension > 30 min duration, continuous

(Source : Rosens Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical Practice)

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